
From beginners to developed athletes, the Olympic Weightlifting program at Providence Barbell Club prioritizes consistent development in the snatch, clean, and jerk. Whether you want to learn a new skill or compete for a National Championship, this is the program for you.

Monthly membership

$220 per month

Members on the monthly plan receive a personalized program that follows a traditional, periodized approach. They train under supervision during coached hours. During open gym hours, members will film and upload their sets to a common app for bi-weekly video review.

We do not have a “class” schedule. Athletes arrive when their schedule permits, find a spot (or share a platform), and begin their workout.

Remote training

$220 per month

You do not have to be a local to Rhode Island in order to train with the PBC. We have athletes following our programming all over the U.S. as well as outside of the country. Our video review process allows for substantive coaching and program accommodation to meet the needs of athletes no matter how distant. Often, remote athletes will meet us at competition or come to Providence for training camps.

Punch card

$200 per card (10 sessions)

Many want to improve in the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk but do not want to let go of their current exercise community or practice. We respect that! A punch card is prepayment for 10 drop-in sessions, which reduces the price of individual drop-ins. Coming in once or twice per week over the course of a few months will help you develop your technique and strength in the competition lifts. You may use the punch card for coaching in competition as well.

Dropping in?

Give us a call or fill out an inquiry to get started.

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